Friday, January 11, 2008

chapter 1

I connected to chapter 1 on a personal level different than other chapters. This is because, this past summer I worked in a Venture Capital firm. We were part of the technology age and we had to research companies that created products using all of the computer languages and programs mentioned in this chapter. Another great thing about this chapter is the fact that it tells you how to protect your password from hackers. I for one, have always had a fear of hackers and this book deals with the straight off the bat.

Orientation Chapter

What is interesting about the orientation chapter, is that it places names on those computer parts and software that I already knew, but didn’t know the name of. The most interesting part of the chapter I believe, was the spyware part. I always heard of the malicious spyware but I never knew what it was, it was definitely nice to finally learn it.

Unfortunately I’m at home using a Mac and there is no blog publishing feature on the word, so I’m putting this straight onto the blog.

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Chapter 3

In Section B of chapter 3, the book shows how there really is a program for every need. This is extremely important in the computer age as people become more reliant on computers. I found section D to be the most interesting part of the chapter. While I scoff at windows users for their exposure to viruses, (I have a Mac) I still find them interesting and important to know about. I really enjoy the classifications that are given to the various malignant pieces of software. This chapter was extremely practical and interesting.


I published this blog from Word….Again!!!!

Chapter 2

While I would consider myself to be fairly knowledgeable when it comes to computer hardware, I never really understood what it all meant. I knew that the more RAM, Gigahertz and processor speed, the faster the computer. What troubled me most was the RAM, I've tried numerous times to understand what it meant but nobody was to explain it to me. That's why, when I read this chapter, I found the RAM section to be the most interesting part. What I found fascinating was that RDRAM was developed for the Nintendo 64 system. Having been an avid N64 player, I found that extremely interesting.

I am about to publish this blog from Word (it is still my favorite thing to do!)

Friday, December 21, 2007

A little tidbit

Just to let you know sir, another thing that I learned this semester was publishing a blog straight from word. In fact, I published my mis final blog, FROM WORD!!! it's very cool.
Thank you again!

MIS Final

    What separated this MIS class from all of the other Sy Syms classes is the concept of practicality. Being a finance major, I enjoy a good finance class (which are rare in Sy Sms), but in the end of the day, they are purely academic and hardly practical. In the real world, understanding the CAPM and bond valuations using time value of money will get you nowhere.

    This is in contrast to the INFF. In this class the ONLY subjects that were learned were practical and useful skills. We learned how to create spreadsheets and models on excel. We also spent time on powerpoint, and my favorite, we learned how to mail merge in Word. This class was more of a skills course and that's what I loved about it.

    We used a textbook, but the ikkur of the course was the time spent in the classroom. The textbook served as a review for what we did in class on Fridays.

    I was very lucky to have been proficient in excel before I came into this course, but I think that it is extremely important to have a course like this since excel is the most important program that is used in business today. Even with my prior ability in excel, this course really sharpened my skills and I feel that I have certainly grown in my abilities in excel.

    I would like to thank you, Professor Jorisch for always being a great guy. You are the sweetest and kindest professor that I have ever had. The best part about you is that you don't let your kind heart detract from your teaching. We learned more in this class than most courses yet we have the nicest teacher. In the future, I will never forget your efficiency through kindness. I'm pretty sure that you've inspired us all. You certainly inspired me.

Thank you!


Friday, October 19, 2007

Getting Up to Speed on Word 2007: An Online Word Tutorial:

an extremely interesting and useful new tool in Word 2007 is the blog publisher. We have been using it and it makes publishing and lay outs of blogs much easier to use. While I'm sure there are many new and useful features, I believe that the layout of Word should not have been changed as billions of people have grown accustomed to the old format. I guess this just shows the power of microsoft as it can decide to change the worlds computers in an instant.

My family’s story


My legal name is Marc although my parents and friends call me yair. I was named after my great grandfather whose name was Shraga Feivel. My parents did not like that name so they took it'd definition which was light and they named me Yair which also means light. I never met my great grandfather as he died a couple of months before I was born, but I've many stories about him and about his kindness that he bestowed on others. He is my fathers grandfather.

My father's parents are 1st generation Americans and his grandparents came from Russia and Poland. They moved to Brooklyn and when my father was two, they moved out onto long island to the five towns.

My mother's parents are a little different. My grandfather is from a shtettle in Hungary and he was put into Bergen belzen with his whole family during the holocaust. Thank god his family of about 10 all survived and they moved to Brooklyn and Miami. My grandmother grew up in Geulah in Jerusalem. Her family can trace itself back in Israel for hundreds of years.

After my parents met at a Stern, YU function, they got married and eventually moved to the five towns where we currently live. I have an older brother who has moved to Israel temporarily. An older sister who just recently moved to the five towns. And I just got married almost 5 months ago in Jerusalem. I also have a younger brother in 7th grade.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Mail Merge is the greatest tool ever!!

When looking at the list of shortcuts in Microsoft Word 2007, I can't help but realize the extraordinary capabilities of Mail Merge. It is such a helpful shortcut, now I don't have to use control X,C,&V. The Friday class of MIS has already opened my eyes to the conveniences offered by Microsoft Office

Hello from inside Word 2007

This is a sample post that I made from Word 2007.

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

About Me

My name in Marc. I grew up in a little town on Long Island called Woodmere. I chose to go to YU because as an orthodox jew, Yeshiva University can offer me a chance to grow in my religious knowledge and devotion, along with my secular studies.
My 10 goals in life are:
1. Raise beautiful healthy happy children
2. Keep my wife happy
3. Fulfill my potential in the business world
4. Be content
5. Be happy
6. Give alot of charity
7. Change lives directly in a good way
8. Make a good name for myself
9. Be relied upon
10. Make god happy

Friday, August 31, 2007

First Post

My name is Marc.
I am a junior at Sy Syms
My major is Finance, minor in Accounting
The class journal is at