Friday, October 19, 2007

My family’s story


My legal name is Marc although my parents and friends call me yair. I was named after my great grandfather whose name was Shraga Feivel. My parents did not like that name so they took it'd definition which was light and they named me Yair which also means light. I never met my great grandfather as he died a couple of months before I was born, but I've many stories about him and about his kindness that he bestowed on others. He is my fathers grandfather.

My father's parents are 1st generation Americans and his grandparents came from Russia and Poland. They moved to Brooklyn and when my father was two, they moved out onto long island to the five towns.

My mother's parents are a little different. My grandfather is from a shtettle in Hungary and he was put into Bergen belzen with his whole family during the holocaust. Thank god his family of about 10 all survived and they moved to Brooklyn and Miami. My grandmother grew up in Geulah in Jerusalem. Her family can trace itself back in Israel for hundreds of years.

After my parents met at a Stern, YU function, they got married and eventually moved to the five towns where we currently live. I have an older brother who has moved to Israel temporarily. An older sister who just recently moved to the five towns. And I just got married almost 5 months ago in Jerusalem. I also have a younger brother in 7th grade.

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